Here's a quick snapshot of the brief tour Wet the Hippo took to Las Vegas at the end of March, 2014
Captain Tyler and Co-Pilot Natalie at the start of our journey. We all went separately this time, so on the way to Vegas it was just the three of us.
On our way out to Las Vegas for a midnight show. Stopping in Callico Ghost Town on the way.
The desert goes by.
John and Jane at the entrance to Calico Ghost Town. We met up with a few Hippos to stop along the way.
A little Hippo sign to show we were here.
On the 15 North to Las Vegas, this song was born featuring the musical stylings of Tyler and Natalie. Click below to hear what you can create with a computer these days driving down the Highway.
Don on the Las Vegas Strip.
It sure was nice when we finally all got together to have dinner before the show. Click the movie above to see our dinnertime which was quite late since our midnight show was soon to begin.
Our Performance Space at the Art Square Theatre. It looked cool but smelled awful because the graffiti paint fumes were fresh.
Gabe makes sure the space is up to his high standards.
John, Tim and Scotch also make sure that the show is setup to be a suitable place for the incredible stupidity to come.
Our Show went really great, lots of fun and a completely full house. We were honored to have had so many brothers and sisters from Cirque Du Soleil, Absinthe, and other great Vegas shows in the audience.
Natalie and Claire...and KayDee amongst the chairs.
A little bit of John, Tyler, Claire and Natalie after the show.
Don and Tim.
Making our mark in old town Las Vegas.
After the show - No photo filters needed, this is the actual color of light inside the Golden Nugget with John and Tim (and Don and Alec's hands).
Tyler and Alec.
The next morning, we were all up and out for a big delicious breakfast at the Original Pancake House before we scattered back to Los Angeles.
Tyler, Natalie, Alec, Jane and John.
Those toppings went in this Pancake thing.
Can't remember what this was but it still looks good.
Oatmeal for the Gluten Free.
49er Flappjacks.
Eggs Benedict.
Don, Tim, Alec, Claire and Natalie with full bellies.
Tyler and Alec with full bellies.
What a great little tour. Look at that Blue Sky!